Depending on the place the city is in the type of earthquake will happen. Each north, south, east, and west have a different type of plate, and depending on the plate the earthquake will happen. (I think so.)

The highest earthquakes are along the Pacific coast. This is in California, Washington and in Alaska. In Washington the earthquakes result from the subduction of the Juan de Fuca plate which is beneath the North American plate. In California, the pacific plate and North American plates meet along the San Andreas Fault. But in Alaska, the subduction of the Pacific plate causes many earthquakes.
The eastern part of the U.S has a lower risk of earthquakes because that region lies far from the plate boundaries. Scientists hypothesize that the continental plate which forms most of the North America is under stress, this stress could probably disturb faults that lie hidden beneath thick layers of soil and rock.
On November 3rd, 2010, a earthquake happened here in Belgrade with the strength of 5.3, that was the last earthquake we had have in Belgrade for now. Here in Belgrade if we do have earthquakes they are not that hard like in other places. We don’t have earthquakes happening that often, and we hope we don’t start having them.
Clear and concise. The image you included was effective in showing where the plates are that you were describing.