How does the use and study of waves affect societal well-being? The use and study of waves, definitely affect our society of 'well-beings', because every time we, we as in scientists who study waves, find out something, or create something that can prevent us from being damaged either mentally, or physically because of a violent type of wave, the word spreads over the internet, the television news, the newspapers, the people who read the newspapers, watched the news, or read on the internet about that new thing that can prevent damage and tells someone about it. That is how everyone can find out about this new product, or new discovery of a product which is going to be made in the future to help and avoid from violent waves. We studied Electromagnetic Spectrum first, where we learned that scientists have discovered many new ways to explore space, human anatomy, cures, etc. We studied Radio Waves, whom have helped us in many ways, mainly with radio and TV, thus if we, again we as in scientists who have studied this topic, wouldn't have found out and researched about Radio Waves information wouldn't have been able to be passed on as easily and people wouldn't have found out about important events as easily. Microwaves came next. Microwaves help by making things around the house simpler than they would be. Infrared waves came after that, and what we learned about Infrared Waves was that they provide a source of heating, and are also used for specific military uses. Visible lights are the lights that we can see, whereas without visible lights, we wouldn't be able to survive. Ultraviolet Waves were next for us in the Electromagnetic Spectrum studies. Ultraviolet Waves are probably considered one of the most important in the Electromagnetic Spectrum. Ultraviolet Waves are the waves who come from the sun, these rays allow plants and animals to develop themselves, and basically thrive. The most powerful wave in the Electromagnetic Spectrum is the next. The Gamma Ray Wave. By learning about Gamma Rays, we have obviously learnt a lot about space. By mobilizing Gamma Rays we have been able to go and see the deepest and most difficult places in space such as black holes and supernovas.
The next Waves topic/unit we began was seismic and water waves. By studying this, scientists who study this topic, have been able to learn when a Tsunami or Earthquake is approaching, and where it is approaching, why it is approaching that place (as in what happened with the tectonic plates, or volcanoes that caused it), and how they can inform the people living in that area as soon as possible so that many lives can be saved. We learnt about fault lines and how the work, and what the changes that are made in them mean and how they can make a difference in our lives. Scientists now know how to inform people about when an Earthquake or a tsunami is approaching their area, and will give them enough time to run away and leave that are that the Scientists are thinking the Tsunami or Earthquake will hit. Also we studied many different ways to measure Tsunamis and Earthquakes, such as with the rector scale. By learning about how these types of waves travel, and their effects, we, and again I don't mean we as in the 7th grade but as in Scientists, can assure a safer Earth community for all the citizens around the world.
Sound Waves were the last topic we studied. Sound is the reason for some of life's most interesting, important and amusing components! With sounds we can create things such as music, laughter, conversation, alarms from danger, and many more. Although, the negative of Sound Waves is Noise Pollution, which can create hearing loss, or deafness, causing one not to be able to experience all of the good components of Sound Waves. Noise pollution is just unpleasant sound, which can get as violent as causing hearing loss or complete deafness! Right now there is research about how to improve already existing soundproof materials for your doors, windows, speakers, TVs, and basically your house, also there are earphones and headphones that are soundproof.
What did you like? What I enjoyed in this Waves Unit, is probably the typical student answer... The Experiments and labs! I am not just saying that as a "We did only 2 labs and the rest of the time we took notes" because it really wasn't like that. We did a lot of projects, a lot of labs, and a lot of group work, which in most cases makes me specifically much more productive than working individually. Another thing I really enjoyed were all the videos we got to watch! Basically I think this was one of the most creative, and involving units we had this year, although we did have *a lot* of other fun and involving units.
What would you change or add for next year's grade 7 students?
I personally think that this unit was a bit long. For next years' 7th graders I think the unit should be a bit shorter, or more separated into different units, therefore having more big projects which they can present infront of us (next year's 8th graders) next year!! :D
What did you learn during the unit? (Looking at the picture you drew-how has your knowledge changed?)
I learned so much this unit that was completely unknown to me before. I learned things like that sound, light and earthquakes are even connected to waves, whereas before I thought waves were only the ones in the sea. Not only did I learn about that sound, light and earthquakes are connected to waves, but I learned about what components affect the way they reach or affect us, and how they travel! At the beginning of the unit, which now seems so far back, we learnt that there were three basic types of waves; longitudinal waves, transverse waves, and combination waves. We learnt that many waves must travel through a medium such as air or water, and that the names of these waves were mechanical waves. Later on during our Wave unit we learnt about water waves, sound waves, and light waves, and what type of wave they are. We also did essays about how those waves can affect us, and the people in our community, and basically all the citizens of Earth, and how science is being applied in the study of these waves.